Faced with the unprecedented challenge of climate change, American communities, businesses, and institutions have stepped up to show the world that the United States is committed to ambitious action. A flurry of local activity spurred by the Trump Administration’s withdrawal from the Paris Climate Agreement in 2017 coalesced into the We Are Still In coalition and America’s Pledge analytical initiative. 

In 2021, these two efforts merged to form America Is All In . Positioned to support a cross-society subnational mobilization on climate and clean energy, America is All In is the most expansive coalition of leaders and citizens ever assembled in support of climate action in the United States. Here is our story so far. 

Our story so far

December 15, 2016

The Paris Agreement is Adopted

The historic Paris Climate Agreement to reduce carbon emissions is adopted when joined by 55 Parties representing at least 55% of global emissions. The Paris Agreement aims to strengthen the global response to combat climate change and adapt to its effects. Under this agreement, the U.S. formally commits to reducing greenhouse gas emissions by 26-28% by 2025. In November 4, 2016 the Paris Agreement officially enters into force. 

Paris Agreement

Late 2016-Early 2017

American Institutions Reassure the World 

Days after the Paris Agreement goes into force, Donald Trump is elected to the presidency after campaigning to withdraw the U.S. from the global climate accords. At the UN Climate Negotiations in Morocco, which are being held concurrent with Trump’s election, American attendees celebrate the Paris Agreement and reassure global colleagues of continued U.S. dedication to climate action. In coming months, American institutions demonstrate climate-strong leadership and advocacy. Hundreds of businesses sign a joint letter in support of a "Low-Carbon USA", and a letter from bi-partisan group of mayors encourages the new president and Congress to take action on climate change.

June 1, 2017

Trump Says the U.S. Will Leave the Paris Agreement, and Governors Respond

Former President Trump states that the U.S. will withdraw from the Paris Climate Agreement and begins a deluge of regulatory rollbacks. In response, Governors Jerry Brown, Jay Inslee, and Andrew Cuomo form the U.S. Climate Alliance, a bipartisan coalition of American governors that commit to upholding the objectives of the Paris Agreement within their states’ borders. The Alliance will eventually grow to consist of 24 U.S. states and 2 U.S. territories.


June 4, 2017

Widespread U.S. Joint Climate Advocacy Begins

A group of 1,200 mayors, governors, university presidents, and business leaders jointly sign and release the We Are Still In declaration. The declaration commits signatory institutions to the collaborative pursuit of the U.S. emissions target defined under the Paris Agreement and to continued engagement with the international community. This marks the beginning of widespread joint advocacy across the U.S. for a common climate cause. The number of signatories nearly doubles by the end of June.

July 2017

America’s Pledge Initiative Quantifies U.S. Climate Action

Former NYC Mayor Michael Bloomberg and California Governor Jerry Brown launch the America’s Pledge initiative. Their purpose is to aggregate and quantify the actions of U.S. states, cities, businesses, and other non-federal actors to drive down greenhouse gas emissions. America's Pledge serves as a critical analytical companion to the We Are Still In coalition.

America's Pledge

November 2017

U.S. Representatives Show the World their Commitment 

More than 100 leaders from sectors and institutions across the U.S. attend COP23, the first set of UN Climate Negotiations since Trump's inauguration. They reaffirm their support for the Paris Agreement, buoying confidence in negotiations. We Are Still In hosts the first-ever U.S Climate Action Center at the event, where hundreds of students and activists help run 44 events, and deliver an #IAmStillIn petition signed by over 1 million Americans.

Fall 2017

Tribal Nations Join the Emerging Climate Coalition

The National Congress of American Indians passes a resolution declaring its continued support of the Paris Agreement, and many tribal nations and faith organizations join the We Are Still In coalition.

Tribal Nations


We Are Still In Gains Members and Shares Action

Many health care organizations and cultural Institutions such as museums, zoos, and historic sites join as new constituencies of the We Are Still In coalition. 

The coalition launches We Are Taking Action, a platform to help We Are Still In members record and share their measurable contributions to the climate fight. More than 1,000 institutions submit their climate contributions through the platform.

The U.S. Catholic community signs on to the Catholic Climate Declaration, a companion to the We Are Still In declaration which affirms the commitment of more than 800 U.S. Catholic institutions.

August 2018

The Alliances for Climate Action Launches as a Global Initiative

The Alliances for Climate Action brings together subnational and non-state actors to drive climate action toward achieving net-zero emissions by 2050 in their countries. National alliances form in Argentina, Japan, Mexico, South Africa, and Vietnam

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Fall 2018

New Climate Research Provides Motivation for Action

The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change's Special Report on Global Warming of 1.5 Degrees shows that the world has less than 12 years to halve global emissions and to meet the Paris Agreement's "reach" goal. The Fourth National Climate Assessment, released a month later, details the current and future impacts of the climate crisis within the borders of the United States.


We Are Still In Constituents Engage Lawmakers on Climate

  • The We Are Still In coalition releases a joint letter of support for H.R. 9,
  •  the Climate Action Now Act, the first climate bill to pass the House of Representatives in nearly a decade, and an early step towards broader federal climate legislation. 
  • The National Religious Partnership for the Environment gathers 30 religious organizations to urge Congress to keep the United States in the Paris Climate Agreement.
  • The Health Care Climate Council informs key committee and Senate staff about the urgent need to transition to a 100% clean, renewable energy economy.
  • Businesses rally on the Hill in unprecedented numbers to support a carbon pricing mechanism.
  • The National Congress of American Indians establishes the Climate Action Task Force to document, inform, and support the climate action efforts of tribal nations and organizations. 
Harrison Ford

December 2019

We Are Still In and America’s Pledge Make Noise at COP25

We Are Still In hosts the third U.S. Climate Action Center at the 2019 United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (COP25) in Madrid. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi leads a bicameral congressional delegation under the banner of "We Are Still In."
America's Pledge releases the Accelerating America’s Pledge report at COP25. The report illuminates a pathway to a comprehensive and ambitious American climate strategy for 2030 with bottom-up action from states, cities, businesses, and other non-federal actors leading the way. 

June 2020

Race To Zero Launches a Global Campaign for Net-Zero

Led by the High-Level Champions, Race To Zero launches a global campaign to mobilize a coalition in support of net-zero emissions by 2050 at the latest. This is the largest ever alliance committed to this goal, with 452 cities, 22 regions, 1,101 businesses, 45 of the biggest investors, and 549 universities represented across 120 countries.

Race to Zero
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July 2020

U.S. Coalitions Call on Congress to Prioritize Clean Energy 

Coalitions from across the U.S. representing over half of the country’s population and over 60% of the GDP deliver letters to congressional leadership calling to accelerate the shift to an equitable, clean energy economy in response to the COVID-19 crisis. 

September 2020


America’s Pledge’s annual report showcases how states, cities, businesses, and others continue to drive ambitious climate action despite the COVID-19 pandemic, an economic recession, and a disengaged federal government. We Are Still In and America's Pledge also jointly release a retrospective on non-federal progress in the U.S.

America's Pledge
White House

November 4, 2020

The U.S. Withdraws from the Paris Agreement

The United States withdraws from the Paris Climate Agreement one day after the U.S. presidential election, with the election’s outcome not yet clear.

December 12, 2020

We Are Still In Calls for National Mobilization

The world celebrates the five-year anniversary of the Paris Climate Agreement. The We Are Still In coalition issues a statement signed by 1,500 leaders calling for a national mobilization on climate and recovery and endorsing a net-zero trajectory for the United States.

We Are All In

January 20, 2021

Biden Orders U.S. Re-entry into Paris Agreement

On his first day in office, President Biden signs an executive order to initiate the process of re-entering the U.S. into the Paris Agreement. 

February 19, 2021

America Is All In Is Formed

The U.S. officially re-enters the Paris Agreement. On the same day, We Are Still In coalition and America’s Pledge publicly merge to form America Is All In, launching with a flagship event.

our story background

April 2021

President Biden Hosts Leaders Summit on Climate

On April 9th, the America Is All In analytical team releases a report that shows how the U.S. can set and achieve a target of 50% reductions below 2005 levels of greenhouse gas emissions by 2030. This is possible via an all-of-society national strategy with action across the federal government, cities, states, businesses, and others.

The Leaders Summit on Climate with 40 heads of state covers four themes: ambition, finance, economic benefits of climate action, and innovation and technology. The U.S. demonstrates its commitment to a whole-of-society approach to climate action, and remains focused on limiting global warming to 1.5 degrees. 

The Biden-Harris administration officially announces a new U.S. Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) of 50-52% emissions reductions by 2030 compared to 2005 levels. A few days later, America Is All In hosts an event with administration officials including White House National Climate Advisor, Gina McCarthy, to explore the next steps for climate and recovery following the announcement. 


Summer and Fall 2021

 America Is All In Advocates Paths to the Future

More than 150 America Is All In members meet with federal lawmakers in support of a legislative package that will effectively address the climate crisis and build a clean energy future in the upcoming infrastructure bills. America is All In also launched a TV ad in D.C. to showcase the diverse coalition across the country committed to going all-in on climate change.

In September, America Is All In releases a new report that lays out an all-of-society blueprint for achieving 52% emissions reductions by 2030, and identifies key actions and policies for federal and non-federal actors to meet this goal.

In October, America Is All In delivers an open letter to Congress in support of the Build Back Better Act and Bipartisan Infrastructure Package. The letter emphasizes support for the Clean Electricity Performance Plan, a methane fee and capping strategy, investments for public transportation, and a Civilian Climate Corps, among other ideas. 

On November 15, 2021 President Biden signs into law the $1.75 trillion Bipartisan Infrastructure Act that includes $550 billion of investments in clean energy and other climate-related spending. The bill, which took months of negotiations to achieve, allocates $555 billion in climate change provisions that will set the U.S. on a pathway to halve carbon emissions by 2030. 


November 2021

The U.S. Federal Government Stands Alongside the America Is All In Coalition at COP26

The U.S. federal government re-engages with the global community at the next UN climate summit, COP26. President Biden recognizes subnational actors stepping up on climate action during the last four years of federal absence and inaction. Members of the Biden-Harris Administration stand with the America Is All In coalition to send a clear message that the United States was back on the international stage in full force and committing across federal, state, and local levels in its commitment to climate ambition.

America Is All In hosted 35 in person and online events at the U.S. Climate Action Center focused on all-of-society action and collaboration across sectors and constituencies.

April 21, 2022

Report Reveals Transportation Sector’s and Methane's Role 

A new report reveals that the transportation sector can deliver one-fifth of the emissions reductions needed to successfully reach the Biden Administration’s climate target of 50-52% emissions reductions by 2030 from 2005 levels.

America Is All In releases its first in-depth look at how the United States can dramatically reduce methane emissions. Reducing methane emissions in the U.S. provides a critical, cost-effective opportunity to address climate change while also yielding immediate benefits, including in human health and agricultural productivity. The results are promising, as the U.S. can deliver a 30% reduction in methane emissions by 2030.

Alongside analysis businesses and non-federal actors continue supporting for strong climate investments in reconciliation. 


June 2022

America Is All In Launches its’ First Campaign 

America Is All In launched their transportation work with a report, Investing in Climate-Smart Transportation focused on how states and cities could harness the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law to reduce transportation emissions and how businesses and civil society can support that work. Since that launch, America Is All In supported a federal proposal requiring states and cities to track highway transportation emissions, and is currently focused on supporting transportation emissions reduction policies in Michigan, Minnesota, and Colorado.

August 16, 2022

Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 Becomes Law

President Biden signs into law the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA), the single largest climate investment in U.S. history. The Act provides $369 billion in new federal funding that can help turbo-charge efforts to reduce emissions by 40% by 2030. America Is All In releases a statement reminding the country that reaching 50% will require further action by governments and organizations at all levels, including U.S. federal agencies.  

White House
Nest Climate Summit

September 2022

SME Climate Hub and All In Buildings Campaign Launches 

During Climate Week, an annual event in New York City, America Is All In hosts the U.S. campaign launch for SME Climate Hub, a global initiative that empowers small- to medium-sized companies to take climate action. 

America Is All In launched their buildings work by releasing a new report, All In on Building Decarbonization in the Age of the Inflation Reduction Act, and hosting an “All In(duction) cooking workshop” at Climate Week to show some of the recommendations, like replacing gas stoves with induction stoves, in action. After launch, All In focused its buildings work to building codes by supporting efforts to pass residential all-electric building codes in Washington State. That work is continuing in two key states, Illinois and Colorado, that are in an opportune position to adopt all-electric building codes.

November 2022

America Is All In Shows the Way to Climate Goals

At COP27 in Egypt, America Is All In releases an economy-wide analysis that depicts how an expanded all-of-society climate strategy can help the United States achieve its 2030 climate target and 2050 net-zero goal. Also at the global event, Alliances for Climate Action announces the launch of a new alliance in the United Arab Emirates and the intention to start an alliance in Kenya.


January 2023

Businesses Intensify their Efforts

The We Mean Business coalition rallies more than 550 major companies to set 1.5°C-aligned science-based targets across their operations and value chains.


States and Local Areas Invest in Climate Projects

With funding enabled by the passage of the IRA, 16 states pass legislation committing to 100% clean electricity sales by 2050, and 132 U.S. cities and counties set 100% clean energy goals for their communities.


Solar Panels on Building with Sunrise
All In Gina McCarthy Announcement 1 - Web - Our Story

June 2023

Gina McCarthy Joins as Managing Co-Chair

Gina McCarthy, the first White House National Climate Advisor and former U.S. EPA Administrator, joined America Is All In as Managing Co-Chair to support cities, states, and businesses across the country scale climate action.

November 2023

Subnational Action Continues to Shine on Global Stage

America Is All In participated in the COP28 Local Climate Action Summit, the first UN climate conference to have an official summit for cities, states, and regions. 


Local Climate Action Summit


All In Goes On Tour

America Is All In announced a nationwide Clean Energy Tour to highlight local climate action and mobilize cities and communities to take advantage of the IRA and invest in clean energy projects The tour stopped in Miami, FL, Seattle, WA, Cleveland, OH, Philadelphia, PA, Houston, TX, and Lansing, MI.

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