All In For 2035

June 25, 2024
Wind Turbines 1

America Is All In is committed to delivering transformational change to address the climate crisis and secure a healthy, prosperous, equitable, and sustainable future for everybody. As we approach the next cycle of target setting under the Paris Agreement, all countries will be updating and submitting new 2035 climate targets (aka, Nationally Determined Contributions or NDCs)—this includes the United States. 

In 2021, America Is All In supported the last national target setting of 50-52% emissions reductions by 2030 from 2005 levels and has demonstrated how an all-of-society approach can achieve these reductions. Today, leveraging the same globally recognized integrated assessment model, a new preliminary analysis led by the Center for Global Sustainability at the University of Maryland shows how comprehensive, all-of-society climate action can enable the U.S. to set and achieve a new and ambitious national climate target for 2035 within the range of 60-70% from 2005 levels.

As the most expansive coalition of leaders ever assembled in support of climate action in the United States, we need to hear from the  All In coalition to ensure a comprehensive policy pathway to set and implement an ambitious climate target.

Feedback 1

We want to hear from you! 

To ensure this target reflects the "all-in" approach which combines bottom-up initiatives with top-down federal interventions, America Is All In has been seeking the input from coalition members and the public to inform modeling assumptions, key policies, and implementation barriers and opportunities. Please provide your feedback on the key policies modeled below.

Submit Your Input

Current and future key policies for an ambitious 2035 national climate target

Current and future key policies to set and achieve an ambitious 2035 national climate target

There is a strong foundation for further climate progress that's been set by states, cities, businesses, Tribes, universities, health institutions, faith groups, and more. With all sectors engaged in this suite of critical climate policies, the United States can deliver the emissions reductions needed to meet our ambitious goals, boost economic growth, improve health outcomes, and ensure a just and equitable transition for all. Your feedback, examples, thoughts, and more will help the All In 2035 climate target better reflect that all-of-society engagement and action.

About the Analysis

The Center for Global Sustainability’s Enhanced Ambition scenario integrates current policies with additional, enhanced action to achieve an ambitious and feasible national climate target. Modeling of the key policies above along with additional supporting policies across all sectors and at the federal and state levels, our initial analysis finds that the Enhanced Ambition scenario can deliver 60-70% emissions reductions by 2035 from 2005 levels, depending on the level of policy uptake, technological development, and economic growth. The lower end of the range reflects lower policy uptake and slower technological development while the higher end of the range shows a faster energy transition with high policy uptake.

Greenhouse gas emissions reductions under the Enhanced Ambition scenario from each sector.

Greenhouse gas emissions reductions under the Enhanced Ambition scenario from each sector. Combined federal and non-federal actions across the economy allow the United States to achieve a 60-70% GHG emissions reduction by 2035. Gray bars represent total emissions in 2005, 2020, and 2035. Blue bars represent emissions reductions needed from each sector between 2020 and 2035.

These findings reflect initial results based on integrated assessment modeling from the Center for Global Sustainability led by Alicia Zhao and a robust team of researchers. You can find more details on the assumptions and results in the preprint.