The U.S. Climate Action Center will once again be at COP!
On the ground in Glasgow, America Is All In and partners will convene a traditional U.S. Climate Action Center, with studio and meeting room space on November 2nd, 6th, 8th, and 9th. This non-federal Center will be complementary to the federal U.S. Center and located in the Blue Zone, which requires accreditation. Virtually, All In will help elevate and centralize U.S.-focused events taking place during the COP. A robust virtual platform should ease access to any who want to participate and track events but will not be on the ground in Glasgow.
Virtual U.S. Climate Action Center
COP26 will look a little different from years past, with safety, accessibility, and equity concerns affecting participation. While negotiations and many events will still be hosted on the ground, and there will be an in-person delegation, for those back home we’ll be bringing all the events straight to you! Our virtual platform will stream events hosted in the U.S. Climate Action Center, events hosted by outside partners, and virtual events for the full 2 weeks of COP26 (Nov 1-12). Events will also be livestreamed straight to our YouTube page.
Delegation and Event Tracking:
- Are you coming to COP, in-person or virtually? Let us know by filling out this form!
- Is your organization planning an in-person or virtual event during COP (via livestream, or another in-person pavilion)? We’d love to host your planned or confirmed events in our virtual U.S. Climate Action Center. Please submit proposed ideas for virtual events, or confirmed in-person and virtual events though this google form.
U.S. Federal Government and Non Federals At COP26
COP26 marks the first time in five years that the U.S. federal government will be re-engaged with the international community to defend and exceed the ambition of the Paris Agreement, but our national re-emergence will build on the efforts of U.S. cities and counties, states, tribal nations, businesses and investors, colleges and universities, and institutions of faith, health, and culture which have held the line and maintained American leadership over the same period of time.
While COP26 has been hailed as our last best chance to keep the goals of the Paris Agreement in reach and put the world on track to limiting global warming to 1.5 C, it is also our greatest opportunity yet to prove that our solutions to the climate crisis require a whole of society approach. Only through enhanced collaboration can we sufficiently raise ambition, mobilize finance, strengthen resilience, and accelerate progress towards a just, sustainable, and prosperous future for all.
The United States has modeled and scaled a community-driven approach on the international stage, and the world has taken notice. By working across constituencies and sectors of society, and in tandem with federal partners and international counterparts, the U.S. non-federal actors which have declared America Is All In can once again deepen U.S. credibility and demonstrate the non-federal and federal policy mix that creates the best, fastest pathway to meeting the U.S. NDC target.
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